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Myanmar’s Rebels See Possibility of Victory

The night Ma Suu Kyi thought she would die of her wounds on the front lines of a forgotten war, a crescent moon hung overhead. A pendant of the Virgin Mary dangled around her neck. Maybe those augurs saved her. Or maybe, she said, it was not yet time for her to die. “When I joined the revolution, I knew …

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Worried About Trump’s Support for Ukraine, Eastern Europe Tries Outreach

As many in Europe worry about the possibility of a second presidency for Donald J. Trump that they fear could bring an end to U.S. support for Ukraine, some of Russia’s most fervent foes are taking a different tack: making nice with the Trump camp. To that end, the governing party of Lithuania, a steadfast supporter of Ukraine, last month …

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The Crookie Delights Paris – The New York Times

All it took for the crookie to take shape was a baker looking for a diversion, his time-tested croissant recipe and a few cookies for inspiration. It took TikTok to make it go viral. Stéphane Louvard created the crookie almost a year and a half ago when he came up with the idea of putting cookie dough into a croissant …

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