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Coming to Alabama: Newsom’s Abortion-Access Ad, Depicting an Arrest

A woman nervously peers into her rearview mirror as a patrolman activates his car’s lights and sirens. She is less than a mile from leaving Alabama to seek abortion services, but it’s too late: The next thing she knows, she is being handed a pregnancy test and is handcuffed. The encounter is depicted in an unvarnished new television ad called …

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Heavy Rains and Potential Flooding in Guangdong, China, Force Evacuations

Torrential rain battered Southern China on Sunday, causing flooding and forcing tens of thousands of evacuations in the country’s most populous province, as a waterspout appeared briefly in Hong Kong and forecasters warned of potentially severe flooding. Rain has been falling in Guangdong, which has a population of about 127 million, since last week. It intensified over the weekend, hammering …

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How the Movie “Civil War” Echoes Real Political Anxieties

One subject seems to be unifying the right and the left today: Disunion. From the multiplex to social media, the prospect of America collapsing into armed conflict has moved from being an idea on the tinfoil-hat fringes to an active undercurrent of the country’s political conversation. Voters at campaign events bring up their worries that political division could lead to …

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