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Inside Trump’s Complicated Relationship With Law Enforcement

On Jan. 19, 2021, as part of a series of pardons on his last full day in office, President Donald J. Trump commuted the sentence of a man who had spent almost 30 years of a life sentence in federal prison for what prosecutors said was his role in the murder of an undercover police officer in upstate New York. …

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FIFA Said to Be Close to TV Deal With Apple for New Tournament

FIFA, soccer’s global governing body, is close to an agreement with Apple that would give the tech company worldwide television rights for a major new tournament, a monthlong, World Cup-style competition for top teams that will be played for the first time in the United States next summer. The agreement could be announced as soon as this month, according to …

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1974: Leftists Threaten to Kill Official in Genoa Kidnap

ROME — A man claiming to represent the kidnappers of Genoa’s deputy public prosecutor threatened tonight to kill him unless an imprisoned bank robber was released. The man claiming to represent a leftist group, the Red Brigades, phoned the Italian news agency ANSA and said Mario Sossi, 38, would be killed unless Sante Noternicola, an imprisoned bank robber, was freed. …

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