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U.S. Builds Web of Arms, Ships and Bases in the Pacific to Deter China

Since the start of his administration, President Biden has undertaken a strategy to expand American military access to bases in allied nations across the Asia-Pacific region and to deploy a range of new weapons systems there. He has also said the U.S. military would defend Taiwan against a Chinese invasion. On Wednesday, Mr. Biden signed a $95-billion supplemental military aid …

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Rabbis Arrested Near Gaza-Israel Border at Rally to Highlight Starvation

Seven rabbis and peace activists were arrested on Friday near the border with Gaza after they tried to bring food supplies into the territory, according to two participants and the campaign group that organized the effort. The detainees were among a group of roughly 30 rabbis and activists from Israel and the United States who were stopped by police officers …

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Perry, a Far-Right Incumbent, Faces Shifting Political Ground in Pennsylvania

Like other Republicans in the House Freedom Caucus, Representative Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, the group’s former leader, carries a pungently far-right portfolio. He has been an unswerving loyalist of former President Donald J. Trump. He has bickered with his party’s elected leaders. He has voted against aid to Ukraine and against keeping the government open. He still maintains that the …

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