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Speaker Mike Johnson Seeks to Govern the Ungovernable

When members of Congress return to Washington from their home districts, they often trudge to Capitol Hill for a tally known as a “bed check,” a low-stakes vote series that is mostly aimed at taking attendance. On Tuesday night, even though Republicans ostensibly control the House, more Democrats were actually present in the chamber for both of those votes — …

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New Zealanders Are Crazy for This Fruit. It’s Not the Kiwi.

Autumn in New Zealand heralds the arrival of a green, egg-size fruit that falls off trees in such abundance that it is often given to neighbors and colleagues by the bucket or even the wheelbarrow load. Only in cases of extreme desperation do people buy any. The fresh fruit, whose flesh is gritty, jellylike and cream-colored, is used in muffins, …

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What is FISA, and What Does It Mean for U.S. Surveillance and Spying?

The House on Friday passed a two-year reauthorization of an expiring warrantless surveillance law known as Section 702, reversing course after the bill collapsed days earlier when former President Donald J. Trump urged his allies to “kill” it. But disappointing privacy advocates, the House narrowly rejected a longstanding proposal to require warrants to search for Americans’ messages swept up by …

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