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Sydney Police Say One Person Shot, Several Stabbed at Mall

One person was shot and several people were stabbed Saturday afternoon at a crowded major mall in Sydney, prompting the police to declare a critical incident and evacuate the area. New South Wales Police said authorities received reports of multiple people stabbed shortly before 4 p.m. Numerous photos and videos on social media showed swarms of people leaving the mall, …

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China’s ‘Special Place’ in Modi’s Heart Is Now a Thorn in His Side

Narendra Modi once looked up to China. As a business-friendly Indian state leader, he traveled there repeatedly to attract investment and see how his country could learn from its neighbor’s economic transformation. China, he said, has a “special place in my heart.” Chinese officials cheered on his march to national power as that of “a political star.” But not long …

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A Perpetual Bridesmaid Gets the Crown, and Germany (Mostly) Likes the Look

Executives at Bayer Leverkusen, the longstanding but habitually middleweight German soccer team, have been fielding the messages since at least February. Some were delivered in person, a quiet blessing after yet another victory. Others came via WhatsApp, unsolicited and unexpected notes from peers and acquaintances and, to their occasional surprise, traditional foes. Soccer, after all, is fiercely tribal. Rivals do …

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